
Information #今日の格言

2017-08-09 02:15:00





よい習慣はできるだけ多く身に付けていきたいものです。ただよい習慣を身に付けることは、簡単なことではありませんが、最初は意識してやることです。 何度も繰り返していくうちに無意識にできるようになって、初めて習慣として身に付きます。





Today’s words What is a good habit?

  Mr. Shizaburo Kurosanu, the founder of Yellow Hat:

 “When judging a person, it is based on how much a good habit is worn as a standard".

  What kind of good habit comes to your mind?

  For example, there are various things such as "Greeting greetily, Be on time, Cleanliness, Don't say bad things about others", but in a bite of speaking, I think that it is an action or a word that has a good influence on the surrounding people

   I would like to have as many good habits as I can. It is not easy to acquire a good habit, but at first it is to be conscious. As I repeat it over and over, I can become unconsciously able to acquire it as a habit for the first time.

  Among of happiness of ourself the pleasures of the people around us.


A "good habit" will make ourself own future.

2017-08-08 02:10:00








Today's words “There is no winning strategy”


There is no winning strategy in business.

Nissan, Japan Airlines etc., 99% is decided by changing the top.

1.  Human power (attraction)(Practice to be better)

2.  Intuition (thinking idea) awareness

3.  Power of luck


I have luck.

2017-08-07 02:06:00


Quality Company houmanresouse




Today’s words “Wake up the ability”


Pull out the ability of each person

Quality Company houmanresouse



Ten years later, what do you do, how much you earn and succeed, let's have a goal for big dreams and visions.

2017-08-06 22:26:00







          総人口   生産年齢人口

2015年     12,520万人 7,592万人

2030年(予想) 11,662万人 6,773万人

2060年(予想)   8,674万人 4,418万人




Today’s words “Securing Human Resources


It is possible to read from the data that each company felt a sense of crisis with respect to securing human resources and feel that it is necessary to make a new approach.

In addition, I think that companies that consider M & A for securing human resources are also increasing.

It may be a time when it is necessary to respond to changes as the population falls into society.



                   Total population              Production age population

2015               125.2 million people           75.92 million people

2030(Forecast)     116.62 million people          67.73 million people

2060(Forecast)     86.74 million people           44.18 million people



Production age population is 15 to 64 years old

2017-08-05 12:55:00






Today’s words “Tell a dream”


“A hard-working person tells a dream, skip-working person tells complaints”

At that time, how does person heard the complaints feel?


There must be no one who had a good feeling.