Information #今日の格言
Today's word"Solute the time"
Rather than anything, waiting for the date to flow is the most effective. There will be no stopping rain, and someday it will be sunny.
Today's word"At the time of Emergency"
At the Emergency, return to the origin.
The ability to overcome the hardship. It's easy to forget the origin.
ビジネスは非常に簡単だと思う。 売上からコストを引けば、 大きな黒字が出る。 計算は極めて簡単だ。 ビルゲイツ
Today's words"Business is simple?"
I think business is very easy.I think business is very easy. If you subtract the cost from sales, you will get a big surplus. The calculation is extremely simple. Bill Gates.
経験は ただで手に入らないものだ。
Today's words "Experience is free?"
Experience isn't the thing you can't take free!